The Story of Elmtree

Welcome to Elmtree Grove School

15 years ago, CEO & Founder Sarah said to her now husband that she wanted a school one day. A school that is built around children gaining the tools and confidence they need to succeed as adults.

In some ways this was a dream to give back and pass forward the opportunity that education and school gave Sarah.

Fast forward to 2021, Sarah and her businesses were providing a range of support to schools across the UK where there was an obvious and increasing need for an education setting that could meet the needs of those children struggling to succeed in mainstream. Elmtree Learning Partnership was born … alternative learning provision for those struggling to succeed, providing every child, every opportunity, the right opportunity.

This vision grew from one site to two to now 6 sites from Gloucester down to Weston-super-Mare. Providing over 1000 hours of support each week. Supporting learners to return to full time education, to re-engage with education, supporting families to succeed whilst continuing to give schools the support they need to succeed.

During this time, it was noted that there were children thriving at Elmtree yet unable to attend full time and having to have a jigsaw of provision. One of these children is the reason Elmtree Grove was established – a young person with such potential and who has achieved so much part time with Elmtree who we are excited to see thrive at School.

Late Spring 2024 an opportunity was seen in the local press – a building that could house the dream… the school! Many thought Sarah had officially reached the point of planning the impossible, however those who know Sarah well enough know that no isn’t a barrier, its just about finding how.

Rallying the supporters of Elmtree, adding a team of staff, local trades who are happy working all hours and a network of businesses and people who believe in the vision we are now very proud to be able to welcome families to visit Elmtree Grove School.

Our staffing team is made up of qualified teachers, highly experienced leaders, learning mentors with a range of skills from creative interests through to speech and language and outdoor experiences. We combine Thrive and a curriculum looking balancing independent skills for learning and adulthood alongside academic skills, utilising local resources and engaging in the community around the school.

Adding Elmtree Grove to the network of Alternative Provision sites is an exciting step to be able to support more learners and their families.